Fall Horse Camp was an absolute blast! Our morning session was packed full with several beginner riders that learned a ton and rode very well on the leadline! A couple of those students stuck around for the afternoon along with 2 more riders for a smaller group of independent riders.
Even our experienced riders learned new things, including all the grooming steps and tacking up the horses. We watched the kids go from timid and shy to confident and full of joy.
I would love to have any and all of these kids in my lesson program!
Not only did the kids get some training, we also introduced 2 new camp horses. Sonny did amazing for his first kids camp experience. He had a couple days to prepare and he made it to the end of the day as a favorite! Tumbler stayed at the trailer for our morning class and joined the afternoon riders. He didn’t have the routine down but still did great!
I am very excited to grow and expand this venture! It gives me so much joy to start young horsemen and horsewomen on their own journeys with horses. These horses do amazing things for our souls .